
Jun 11, 2024

不有趣不好玩,且以消耗 (consume) 而非生產 (produce) 為主的事情,是浪費時間的事情。



The goal is to either make me focus more on the processes instead of results, and to trick myself into start working on them.


Hey Ian, 我知道很長一段時間以來,你都很想做出點成果,很想和玩遊戲一樣在短短的時間裡面快速成長。但如同你的好朋友和你說的那樣「每個人都有不同的步伐和足跡。你不必急於加快自己的步伐,不必為現在才懂得別人早就知道的道理而感到焦慮和不安,更不必為還沒思考出什麼而迷茫和無措。」

成長的過程是緩慢的,它 by definition 是累積性的。任何有價值的東西 by nature 是需要 hard work, commitment 和 determination 的。

你看到很多現在做出很多成果的人,他們不是一開始就如此 amazing。”Every master was once a disaster.”

“You shouldn’t compare yourself to the most successful founders now, they became much more impressive in the course of doing their startup, and so can you” — Sam Altman

我知道你懂得這個道理,所以 please be patient to grind, trust the process of growth, and by the end of this year, you will be amazed by how much you got done over the three months and how much you’ve changed.


Hey, are you feeling alright? What happened today? Is this how you want to be spending your time?

Hey, life is short, youth is short, you want to actively seek out things that matter and avoid bullshits like this. Things that matter are the things you’ll care about in the future. Relentlessly prune bullshit.

Get up, I'm going to set a 7 minutes timer [1], and you will pick an interesting book and start reading. If you still feel fatigue after 7 minutes, then go and take a walk. Remember, action precedes motivation.


Yo man,早安。好了,停,別想那麼多,先去刷個牙,要是刷完牙還想躺回去滑的話,再躺回去滑。


Yo easy bro, I’m going to set a 7 minute timer [2], you’ll start working on what you’re supposed to be working on. If you feel restless after the timer goes off, then stop working now and go clear all those inboxes, you’re more suited for that.

How do you talk to yourself?

Feel free to leave a comment :)


[1][2] Couple this will Apple Shortcut, copy mine here.

All the inspiration