
Aug 8, 2024 03:22 AM





p.s. 我覺得到一個新的地方不是必要的,但到一個新地方後人會更容易聆聽、接受新的想法與觀念,跳出大腦的自動駕駛狀態,或說慣性的思考和行為模式。在熟悉的環境裡,他人的啟發很容易被沖淡在日復一日的循環中。而在旅途中,慣性會被打破,時間與精力被釋出以消化新的想法。

2018 美國(波士頓、紐約)

高一的時候和 Dear Calorie 團隊打進了期許高中生實際嘗試解決社會問題的 ChinaThinksBig 在美國的 Global Final

  • 出發前的思考:為什麼同學主要關注考試、追星、遊戲,為什麼大家不能關注一些更有用的東西?
  • 在國外的見聞與啟示:一個在那邊認識的九年級小女孩竟然一個人參賽還獲得了金獎。學生可以關注和思考的東西不只是考試、追星、遊戲,學生可以關注和思考身邊、世上真實發生事情和問題。
  • 回來的行動:和當時的一個隊友在學校創建 BIN 社團,希望建立一個「真正有用、能教會人思考、做判斷、溝通的通識育人平台」

2023 東南亞(新加坡、馬來西亞)


  • 出發前的狀態:非常困惑迷茫;研究所要讀哪裡?研究所要讀什麼系?未來想做什麼工作?
  • 出發前後的閱讀:That Will Never Work, Celestine Prophecy, Educated, Book: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
  • 在國外的見聞與啟示:「人生的格局可以很大」、「像你們這種有能力又聰明的人,以後每個月至少賺10萬新幣」、「世界上充滿機會」、「人是可以有夢想的」、「人是可以選擇努力實現夢想的」
  • 回來的行動:開始思考人生各個階段的目標;開始醞釀休學的想法。

2024 歐洲諸國


  • 出發前的狀態:依舊迷茫;接下來這一年我要做什麼?我想完成什麼樣的事情?
  • 出發前後的閱讀:”You should always spend your time lavishly in areas that interest you.”, “To be happy I think you have to be doing something you not only enjoy, but admire. You have to be able to say, at the end, wow, that's pretty cool.”, YC Startup School, Paul Graham essays, Sam Altman blogs, Alan Chan blogs, Ben Horowitz blogs, Zero to One, etc.
  • 在國外的見聞與啟示:「持續做自己喜欢、享受的事情才得以卓越」
  • 回來後的行動:Focus, less is more.


  1. 始於對自己或環境的反思或疑慮
  2. 受到一些思想的衝擊或閱讀到影響我的思想
  3. 能看到身邊真實案例在印證這個思想
  4. 在一個階段只能探索下一個階段的問題,搜索下一個階段的啟發
  5. 人只會看到自己所想關注的問題。這也算是吸引力法則的表徵吧。
  6. 和什麼樣的人交流比去哪裡更重要,出國或許只是增加一些記憶點(如前所述,會把這個記憶從平淡的生活區裡面單獨拉出來)




Jun 11, 2024

不有趣不好玩,且以消耗 (consume) 而非生產 (produce) 為主的事情,是浪費時間的事情。



The goal is to either make me focus more on the processes instead of results, and to trick myself into start working on them.


Hey Ian, 我知道很長一段時間以來,你都很想做出點成果,很想和玩遊戲一樣在短短的時間裡面快速成長。但如同你的好朋友和你說的那樣「每個人都有不同的步伐和足跡。你不必急於加快自己的步伐,不必為現在才懂得別人早就知道的道理而感到焦慮和不安,更不必為還沒思考出什麼而迷茫和無措。」

成長的過程是緩慢的,它 by definition 是累積性的。任何有價值的東西 by nature 是需要 hard work, commitment 和 determination 的。

你看到很多現在做出很多成果的人,他們不是一開始就如此 amazing。”Every master was once a disaster.”

“You shouldn’t compare yourself to the most successful founders now, they became much more impressive in the course of doing their startup, and so can you” — Sam Altman

我知道你懂得這個道理,所以 please be patient to grind, trust the process of growth, and by the end of this year, you will be amazed by how much you got done over the three months and how much you’ve changed.


Hey, are you feeling alright? What happened today? Is this how you want to be spending your time?

Hey, life is short, youth is short, you want to actively seek out things that matter and avoid bullshits like this. Things that matter are the things you’ll care about in the future. Relentlessly prune bullshit.

Get up, I'm going to set a 7 minutes timer [1], and you will pick an interesting book and start reading. If you still feel fatigue after 7 minutes, then go and take a walk. Remember, action precedes motivation.


Yo man,早安。好了,停,別想那麼多,先去刷個牙,要是刷完牙還想躺回去滑的話,再躺回去滑。


Yo easy bro, I’m going to set a 7 minute timer [2], you’ll start working on what you’re supposed to be working on. If you feel restless after the timer goes off, then stop working now and go clear all those inboxes, you’re more suited for that.

How do you talk to yourself?

Feel free to leave a comment :)


[1][2] Couple this will Apple Shortcut, copy mine here.

All the inspiration

How to Pickpocket and How NOT to be Pickpocketed

Jun 3, 2024

Disclaimer: I am empowering people with the knowledge of theft so they can help themselves and other people. I believe that knowledge per se is neither good or bad, that the impact of knowledge is 100% determined by the person who wields it. Knowledge is like wealth, it will only make people more of who they already are. So Dear Reader, be wise.

Growing up in East Asia [1] means I enjoyed one of the best securities in the world - I get to roam around with my phone and wallet in my pocket and never worry about them being stolen [2].

Now that I’m about to do some solo-traveling in Europe, I decided that for a broke student like me, I shall not lose a thing.

To understand how to prevent myself from being pickpocketed, I decided to learn the way of pickpocketing, so I can reverse engineer the process of pickpocketing and apply some measures to leave the thieves no chance. I surveyed some YouTube videos and came to these findings.

Most pickpockets are conducted through these two methods, stealing via shade and stealing via attention manipulation, combined with the numbers of present criminals, there are four types of pickpocketing: (Shade, Attention Manipulation) x (Solo, Group Crime).

Stealing with Shade

The “Shade” is something that can cover up your stealing actions, such as a huge jacket hanging on your arm, a bag, or a piece of paper (be creative).

Stealing with Shade is the easiest one to execute, because it requires no technical skill but some distractions. It can be easily done by a single thief. This often happens at relatively static places such as on the trains/buses, stations, museums, and some tourist attractions.

As a thief, you want every stealing action as swift as possible in order not to get caught. Quit and disappear at the first obstacle.

If you need emotional support while conducting the crime, try teaming with others. Then you guys can just swarm to the victim, to

  1. create the illusion of a crowded place (decoy)
  2. look out for each other
  3. overwhelm the victim
  4. cover up the visions of by-standers and surveillance cameras

Stealing with Attention Manipulation

Watch master in action.

The psychology behind Attention Manipulation is that, everyone has limited cognitive resource. By adding extra signals and overloading the victim with sensation and thoughts, the victim cannot notice the steal under their nose (try this famous psychology test: selective attention).

The advantage of this technique is that you can probably get anything (high value items) you want if you are good at it, but the downside is that this is difficult to master and it creates a high profile interaction that is likely to have you remembered. There’s good news too, if you can’t do it alone, do it with teammates.

Some common tricks you can try:

  • The Petition: go with a bunch of people with petitions in busy, touristy areas and ask tourists to sign. Steal their stuff while they are distracted.
  • “Take my photo” and take their stuff.
  • Fake police (Barcelona): Dress up as a fake police and ask tourists for their passport and wallets, take their cash, return the wallet, drive away while they are in shock. Aim for people traveling alone, those honest “good lads” and backpackers traveling alone at night.
  • The shoving: do it at bus and train station, just shove people and rob them while they are shocked. Pick women and thin guys who don’t look like they can fight/bite.
  • Group ambush: surround the victim with a bunch of people, a lot of unfamiliar faces all with action will overload one’s cognitive, and you take whatever you can.
  • Fake clean up: be overly helpful and offer to clean them up because “a bird pooped on you”. You condition them to physical touch so you can steal stuff more easily.

Prevention Measures

You really can’t identify who’s who because they just look like normal people (even tourists), so basically when you are exposed to people you have to be on guard.

I think in general there are three steps you can do to prevent yourself from being pickpocketed, or to minimize the losses.

To prevent from being targeted in the first place, you should blend in, take precaution measures, and get familiar with their tactics.

Blending in

  • American and Asian are often targeted because they tend to have more cash in their wallet. Therefore they should be extra careful.
  • Don’t stop in the middle of the road to look at directions, it’s very conspicuous.
  • Blend in with the outfits, keep it simple.
  • Don’t travel around with suitcases and huge bags.
  • Play it cool with the tourist attractions. The dreamy stare to is often a tell-tale sign.

Take precautions

  • Don’t travel after dark
  • Be extra aware at crowded places, such as popular bus routes, tourist attractions, beaches, museums.
    • e.g. The 64 Bus in Rome is known as the “Pickpocket express”
  • Trust your gut feelings
  • Use common sense.

Familiar yourself with common pickpocketing techniques. Even reading this article once is going to help. Humans are extra-ordinary at pattern recognition, given that they are exposed to enough data.

  • In general, be aware of people being overly close to you.
    • Especially if they have something to cover their hand with (Paris pickpocket girl gang), such as a jacket hanging on their arm or a huge bag over their hand. They probably want to pickpocket you with “the shade” technique. This can be performed by a single thief or a group of people (with decoys).
  • It’d be harder to notice being pickpocketed if the thief is interacting with you, attention manipulation is an art, and if the thief is really charismatic, you can easily fall victim to it. 
  • As a rule of thumb, when you are interacting with strangers who approach you:
  1. maintain distance with them
  2. keep a hand on your belongings, especially if you are in a tourist attraction.

In case you are targeted, you can eliminate risks of losing valuables by bringing less stuffs, splitting the valuables and creating more frictions.

  • Don’t bring valuables
  • Look into your bag and take out anything you can’t lose before you go out
  • Don’t keep things in your pockets
  • Put valuables at the bottom of bags
  • Split your cash

Create frictions: thieves have lots of targets, if your stuff cannot be easily stolen, they will give up quickly and move on, to not get caught.

  • Use anti-theft bag
  • Don’t make it look like it’s easy for them to steal/rob you.
  • Sabotage their stealing experience (UX) by increasing the activation energy of accessing your personal belongings, such as putting a lock/ paper clip around zippers.
  • Use bags with double inner pockets (zippers).
  • Make it difficult for people to access your valuables, such as using double zippers etc.

If you are pickpocketed, spring to action and get help.

Retrieve the losses

  • Check the nearest trash can to retrieve important documents (if they are in your stolen wallet).
  • License and IDs are useless for thieves, most who stole wallets want cash and cards.

Getting help

  • Scream “Help”, “Pickpocket” and “Police” in local language in public areas.


[1] I grew up in mainland China and Taiwan.

[2] Most of the time I don’t need to worry. Also while I’m on campus I get to leave my computer and stuff everywhere, because it is safe and most places are covered by surveillance cameras. And, yes, there is a trade-off.

[3] I grew up being the one taking care of my siblings from surrounding dangers, so perhaps there is some surviver bias here. Please take my conclusions prudently.

Takeaways from How to Do Great Work

May 22, 2024

Doing great work is a depth-first search whose root node is the desire to. So if you don’t succeed, either try again, or backtrack and then try again. Corollary, never abandon the root node.

My takeaways from How To Do Great Work by Paul Graham. For interactive reading, click here to visit the Hepta-ed version.

In this article, PG talks about the definite shape of the intersections of all the great works. The four steps of doing great work: choose a field, learn enough to get to the frontier, notice gaps, explore promising ones.

What I really like about Paul Graham is that he talks about his findings like an innocent child, even though he is a successful founder and investor who has talked to thousands of founders. He is so genuine and unpretending in his writing, perhaps that’s what makes his advice very practical.

Motivation & Overall mindset

  • If you’re smart and ambitious, it’s dangerous to not be productive, because people like this tend to get bitter if they don’t achieve much.
  • Doing great work is a depth-first search whose root node is the desire to. So you don’t succeed, either try again, or backtrack and then try again. Corollary, never abandon the root node.
  • You should let curiosity guide you instead of competition or desire to impress. It is the secret to doing great work, and the key to all four steps.
  • Great work means doing something important so well that you expand people’s ideas of what’s possible.
  • Distribute your attention according to something more like a power law.

Mindset for perceiving school & education system

  • School induces passivity, that problems are given instead of discovered. To overcome this passivity, try to think of your education as your project, that your teacher are working for your work and your goal.

Advantage of youth

  • The biggest advantage the young have is time. Use it in frivolous ways, but don’t simply waste it.
  • The most subtle advantage of youth, or more precisely of inexperience, is that you're seeing everything with fresh eyes.
  • Aim to be the best. If you don't try to be the best, you won't even be good.
  • Take as much risk as you can afford, because in an efficient market risk is proportionate to reward.
    • Even a project that fails can be valuable because you’ll cross territory few others have seen.

Deciding what to work on

  • Optimize for interestingness. Your field should become increasingly more interesting as you learn more about it.
  • Develop a habit of working on your own projects because you’ll be the driving part of the great work you do one day.
  • The way to figure out what to work on is by working, pick something and get going.

Choosing a problem

  • Originality in choosing problems matters more than originality in solving them, this distinguishes the people who discover whole new field.
  • Everyone is too conservative about what counts as important problems, ask yourself if you were going to take a break from "serious" work to work on something just because it would be really interesting, what would you do?
  • New discoveries often have to be conceived initially as variations of existing things, even by their discoverers, because there isn't yet the conceptual vocabulary to express them.

Err on the side of starting, and finish what you started for exponential result

  • Be the one who puts things out there rather than the one who sits back and offers sophisticated-sounding criticisms of them.
  • Being prolific is underrated. The more different things you try, the greater the chance of discovering something new. Err on the side of starting.
  • For per-day work, you can trick yourself to get through the initial energy threshold.
  • For per-project work, just ask “How hard can it be?”
  • Don’t plan too much when you’re doing excitingly ambitious projects, preserve certain invariants and let the project evolve, because planning only works for achievements you can describe in advance.
  • Beat per-project procrastination by asking yourself are you working on something you most want to work on?
  • Doing great work is a depth-first search whose root node is the desire to. So you don’t succeed, either try again, or backtrack and then try again. Corollary, never abandon the root node.
  • Try to finish what you started, it’s often the best work.
  • The trouble with exponential growth is that the curve feels flat in the beginning, but keep in mind something that grows exponentially can be so valuable that it’s worth making an extraordinary effort to get it started.

Seeking the best colleague

  • Great colleagues can see and do things that you can’t and keep you on your toes. You’ll know if you do.

Husband your morale

  • Grounds for optimism: There are so many different ways to do great work, and even more that are still undiscovered. It's just a question of finding the one best suited for you, and how far into it your ability and interest can take you. And you can only answer that by trying.
  • An audience is a critical component of morale, if a handful of people genuinely love what you’re doing, that’s enough.
  • Morale and good work makes a dual-way reinforcing system, so it can be a good idea to switch to easier work when you’re stuck, just so you start to get something done.

Reflective questions

To help find out if you are working on the right project

  • Am I working on what I most want to work on?
  • If you were going to take a break from “serious” work to work on something just because it would be really interesting, what would you do?
  • Is the thing you’re working on becoming increasingly more interesting as you learn more about it?
  • Do others find what you’re working on tedious or frightening?

To help finding overlooked ideas

  • What are people in your field religious about? What becomes possible if you discard it?
  • What are some good ideas for someone else to explore?

Other good shits

在 startup 工作一個月


May 8, 2024

在 startup 遠程工作了一個月,每次和 Alan 開完會都很開心,都感覺學到了一些在書上和影片中學不到的東西 (tacit knowledge)。零碎的心得很多,startup way 和我之前的 student way 截然不同,想沉澱一下這諸多體悟。



上大學後雖然有自我成長的意識,但也沒學會設立目標。一方面大家都不知道之後要幹嘛都很焦慮,焦慮時非常容易 take competition as validation,以期緩解焦慮。我當時也這麼想,覺得把書讀好是我應該做的,便讓努力讀書佔領自己的意識,能拼什麼我就拼什麼,然後很快發現論讀書我還真拼不過這群大神,就更焦慮了。也沒有喘息的機會去思考什麼對自己是重要的、有價值的,什麼應該是我的目標。

在學校寫論文、做實驗等也不需要自己定義問題與目標。寫論文 (essay) 的話,教授通常會給妳目標,比如 5000 字以內,圍繞 ABC 這三個重點。在學校做實驗的話,老師比較關心你嘗試的過程是怎麼樣的、操作實驗器具的熟練度有沒有達到要求,或是實驗結果是不是和標準值差不多。老師根本不關心你是怎麼定義問題的 —— 問題他都幫你定義好了。

但 startup 的存在就是為了解決問題,不明確問題與目標的話,startup 就沒有意義。因此 startup 在做任何具體的事情之前,首先要想清楚「我現在要解決的問題是什麼」,「哪個問題是最重要的?」,「我做這些事所服務的目標是什麼?」。

第一次和 Alan 開進度會議時,我拿著了自己設計的 prototype 給 Alan 講我的設計邏輯、功能等。他聽我說完,問我我想解決的問題是什麼,我立刻發現我解決的問題根本就是一個我自己 poorly define 的問題。我沒了解我要解決的問題,導致我根本不可能解決該問題。

設定度量 metrics

在學校運營學生組織的時候,我們經常會提出很多目標,但往往會忽略設定度量。如果不設立度量的話,很多時候我們最後都會只做到 bare minimum,然後說我們完成了目標。這對組織運營不健康,大家首先沒有一個具體的施力點,其次努力也很難看到回饋。

明確目標、設定度量後,任務就變成優化指標了。對於一個個人知識管理軟體的 startup 而言,宏觀最需要優化的指標可能是 retention rate。



在 startup 的世界,結果遠大於過程。對於用戶而言,你是如何解決問題的一點也不重要,重要的是你解決沒解決。開發一個新功能可能會需要用到很新的技術,但一樣一切 review 從結果出發,結果不好再討論為什麼成果不好,試了哪些方法、效果如何、可以怎麼優化、改進。


大學不管是在課堂、學生組織中做簡報 (debrief/presentation) 的時候,大家都喜歡講一堆廢話,好像自己事情做很多或講的內容很有料一樣,但實際上可能一兩句就概括完重點了。

在 startup,30 秒能講完的事不要花 5 分鐘講,講重要的(和有趣的)東西就好,不要浪費大家的時間。


在 startup 的這一個月最核心的感受是「最重要的是明確最重要的是什麼」,不要浪費資源在其它地方。但這對個人發展也及其重要吧,發現對自己重要、有價值的東西。

如何發現對自己重要、有價值的東西呢?聆聽自己的聲音,並紀錄自己的想法與感受吧。當數據點多了後,它們會呈現出屬於自己的 pattern。(work in progress)

很有意思,有些道理我一直都「知道」,但是之前一直沒「學會」。這些道理最高效的習得方法或許是由 practice these rules 的人言傳身教。



Apr 24, 2024







我國中(2014-2016)的時候非常喜歡玩電腦,那也是我開始頻繁接觸電腦的時期,但家裡供我使用的電腦是 2008 年的老 Acer 電腦。雖然根據我爸所述,這是 2008 年的頂級電腦,但我怎麼都感覺不出來。為了玩吃配置的射擊遊戲,我每次都要解決一堆 Windows 的系統錯誤、無所不用其極優化的操作系統環境、調整遊戲畫質以提升流暢度等等。它讓我對電腦非常熟悉。在學校,老師解決不了的電腦問題都是我幫忙處理的。國一的時候,除了玩遊戲之外,我還發現了一片新大陸,3D建模與動畫製作。觀看 Minecraft 的 music video 賦予我天馬行空的幻想,我當時立刻下載盜版 Cinema 4D (r13) 開始學習如何 3D 建模與製作動畫。接下來的幾個月裡,我製作出了我的第一個方塊武器、第一個 minecraft 角色動畫模型、第一段 minecraft 動畫。但我都沒怎麼和父母分享,「反正他們也只會叫我去好好唸書」。不出一年,有一天這個電腦的主機板就因為過載燒壞了。我請爸爸幫我修,他拿去給別人檢查,一個禮拜後回來說換一片新的主機板要 3000 塊人民幣,買一台新的可能也差不多這個價錢。我沒說什麼,我所接受的金錢教育讓我不敢花家裡的錢。我沒電腦玩了。


編程的故事也是類似。我覺得駭客是一個超酷的概念,國中的時候我學了一堆 CMD 裡面的最沒用指令,到處跟別人說我是超強駭客。我開始自學 batch 和 C 語言。當時我想在電腦上裝一個能寫代碼的東西 (IDE),但怎麼都弄不好(現在回想起來發現原因是不會配置windows系統的編譯環境)。後來我媽媽幫我在台灣一個培訓班報了一個 C 語言的班,我是班上唯一一個小朋友。但幾節課下來,在他們講 for 循環語法的時候,我發現我怎麼都弄不懂,課程結束後沒什麼成就感,很灰心,就不學編程了。


再後面碰編程就是高三考完學測後買了一台,Macbook 開始自學 Python 了。


有關編程,買 Macbook 也是一個很大的關鍵點。高中(2017-2019)的時候,我常拿我媽媽 2011 的 mac mini 寫報告,我爸媽都是 Windows 使用者所以 Mac mini 有裝雙系統,但我受不了老電腦跑非原裝系統的卡頓與低流暢,所以我開始接觸 macOS。經過陡峭的學習曲線後,我發現它比 Windows 優越很多。它穩定、絲滑,為快捷鍵與使用者優化的操作系統順滑得令人心潮澎湃。我決定之後挑選電腦我一定要選一個 Mac 電腦。當時我爸也不是特別同意,他說你買 Macbook Pro 的錢可以買兩台超強的 Windows,並一直建議我買 Windows,笑我花那麼多錢送蘋果是傻瓜。我說不過他,但我還是堅持選 MacBook。後來我才發現這個選擇有多麼正確,用它入門編程簡單且直接。易於編程 (less friction) 為我接下來的幾年打開了非常非常多的可能性,還好我沒聽他建議買 Windows 電腦。





去年(2023)11月份的時候,我和他說我想去美國的斯坦佛暑期學校 (Stanford Summer Session)。整個八週的項目不含機票要將近五十五萬台幣,我們家不是負擔不起,但也不是說可以很輕鬆的支出這筆費用。我非常想去感受一下朋友口中 Silicon Valley 的 startup vibe 以及「新創聖地」斯坦佛大學的學生是如何敢大膽的暢想未來、改變世界,感受一下東亞「學歷崇拜」之外那個傳說中「崇尚價值創造」的文化。關於參不參加斯坦佛暑期學校,我和他討論了好幾次,每次都圍繞「值得嗎?」「你能從這裡獲得什麼?」討論。但好笑的是,這個問題的答案在我去之前是不可能知道的,我一直感覺我們在空談。在他去大陸之前——一個我送我回軍營接駁車的路上,我們最後討論了一次這個話題。我記的很清楚,那次他非常誠懇。在接駁車附近的超商旁,他和我說,「如果你真的很想去的話,爸爸支持你。爸爸現在的現金流不是很夠,但爸爸會週轉出一些錢幫你支付。但因為我們家經濟也是有限的,如果這次出去的話,未來研究所你可能就沒辦法出國讀了。你自己再好好想想,爸爸支持你的選擇。」




在台灣教育體制下出生,你人生基本就被規劃好了。打從出生到起,你的人生彷彿就只有一條路可以走,社會認可的路,默認的路,the default。默認的力量非常非常大,大到你會自己想辦法吞下生活所產生的無意義與空虛感,大到你會忘記曾經的叛逆與不妥協,大到你以為這個世界本來就是這樣,沒有別的路,沒有選擇,大到青年們的存在主義危機是被社會系統地製造的 (systematically created) 。




昨天我和他說我今年有一個很好的機會可以和朋友透過 Y Combinator 的去硅谷創業。這是我近一年自己孕育出的夢想,現在有機會,我想去追夢,但代價是我可能會拿不到大學畢業證書。我還沒和他說我的決策邏輯以及風險規避邏輯,他就打斷了我。







Apr 19, 2024



  1. 計劃或選擇方向是我們的超能力。
  2. 反省與寫作是我們的超能力。
  3. 閱讀是我們的超能力。
  4. 目標導向是我們的超能力。
  5. 想做偉大的事,必須從讓自己感到興奮的、自己覺得有趣的事情開始。
  6. 不積跬步,無以至千里。
  7. 學習承擔風險:做損失可承擔,回報無上限的選擇。
  8. Move towards a career that has a compounding effect.
  9. 降低自己的 burn rate。
  10. 保持樂觀、孕育自信、保有信念。
  11. 聽父母師長等的建議時一定要聽清楚他們背後的邏輯。
  12. 自己的命運由自己的能動性決定。
  13. 明確自己的目標後,努力才有意義。
  14. When in doubt, choose the hard thing. Expediency won’t serve you in the long term.
  15. When in doubt, choose what interests you or excites you more.
  16. Context matters more than you think, find places with values you like.
  17. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with
  18. It is your responsibility to followup.
  19. 多閱讀長文章(除非你熟悉短文章的作者)。



Apr 5, 2024

Heptabase 是一家以協助人類理解複雜知識為使命的台灣初創企業,由今年26歲的台大輟學生詹雨安 Alan Chan 於 2021 年創辦,目前受到 Y Combinator, Kleiner Perkins 等知名投資機構投資。其產品 Heptabase 是以卡片盒子筆記法為核心的學習軟件,深受用戶推崇。在花了數天時間仔細閱讀 Alan 的個人部落格與 Heptabase 背後的哲學與方法論,並上手體驗軟體後,我相信——這家公司能改變世界!我想接近 Alan,了解他的思考模式、習慣等,也希望了解一家成功的初創企業是怎麼運作的。

我想加入 Heptabase。

在軍隊休假的某一天,我花了將近4小時,去寫給 Alan 的郵件。郵件中,我提到他的個人經歷是如何 inspire 我的,我相信 Heptabase 的使命與改變世界的能力、為什麼我想加入 Heptabase、我現在擁有的技能與經歷,並附上我的聯繫方式。我改了又改,還發給好幾個朋友幫我審核,確保能傳遞出積極但又禮貌尊重不踰矩的態度。


當時我幾乎死心了,開始寫郵件給 Jamie’s Gapyear Program,說希望加入他們的社群活動,想認識優秀且勇敢的同儕。

JGP 的負責人隔天就回我了,說他們會在Instagram發布公開活動,歡迎參加。我點開他們的 Instagram,發現啥也沒有,想說這條路大概是涼了。

不甘心的時候,總是會想厚著臉皮多試一次。且 Alan 自己也認同,要尋找那些「損失可承受,但是成功回報無上限」的選項。突然想到一篇前陣子看到的文章,說「It Is Your Responsibility to Follow Up」,大忙人大概率看完就忘了,且有些郵箱很滿的人會默認「一封郵件你不發我三次我是不會看的」。我決定再發一封郵件給 Alan,這篇就非常短,先是提醒了他我前陣子發了一封郵件給他,並附上了上一封郵件的 100字 AI總結。



昨天的面試結果是,我拿到了口頭承諾的 Heptabase 合約,接下來一兩個月應該會幫 Heptabase 開發一套知識圖譜引擎。我非常開心,也更深刻的理解了一個道理。機會是自己主動爭取、拿到的。絕對不會是天上掉下來的。





The Short & Easy Answer March 11, 2024 9:10 PM
  1. 寻找自己的想做的事,寻找心里的声音
  2. 尝试自己想做的事,实践心里的声音


The Long Answer March 13, 2024 8:16 PM - March 13, 2024 10:09 PM

读了 Heptabase 创始人 Alan Chan 2017 年底一篇关于从台湾大学物理系休学的 FB 宣告文,他提到*「縮在大學的體制內,我的成長很有限。我需要思考、需要反芻、需要變強、需要更多的自我檢視。這讓我現在處在一個很不適合讀大學的狀態。」*让我深有感触,我想,其实我休学的原因也不仅仅是表面上「在校课业繁忙,需要探索自我」那么简单。和别人讲清楚深层原因很困难,所以我都很敷衍的和大家说我休学是因为「我不知道我想做什么」,讲着讲着,我差点就忘记了我休学的真正目的。我休学的真正原因,是因为我现在需要的,大学不但给不了我,还会从我这里把它抢走。我的目的是大量的自我发现与自我成长。

去年(2023)暑假前后,我和在北大认识的l两个朋友周游了一小圈东南亚,期间我们不断围绕「创业、价值、格局、信心」这几个主题进行思想碰撞。在和他们深入交流前,我从来不知道创业是一个选项,是一种可能。三年来在疫情、压力与焦虑浸染的下,我不认为我能掌握我的未来 (indefinite pessimism attitude towards future)。

“don’t know what to do? just follow this path and you’ll be alright: get a college degree → get a master degree → work in a big firm → grind the corp ladder“ — My Dad & the Society


因此当时,我百思不得其解,*我适合创业吗?我有这个能力吗?我有这个信心吗?失败了怎么办?我能带领团队吗?创业是什么?*而我对这个整个创业主题的所有理解,仅停留在其中一个朋友推荐的一本书里 (That Will Never Work - Marc Randolph),而这本书主要描述的是创业的过程(从Netflix想法的起源到公司上市)。这些问题一直不断地 haunt 我,我便开始了关于价值的思考以及对自己的探索。


「启动效应」(priming effects) 是指暴露于一个刺激可能会影响对后续刺激的反应,而这种影响是在无意识指导或意图下发生的,即我们环境给我们的暗示会在潜意识里增强我们联想与其相近东西的概率。例如,阅读时点头会让读者更倾向于接受文中的观点、感到羞愧时更容易认为 SO P 为 SOAP 而不是 SOUP (Lady Macbeth Effect)。它的启示为,我们会收到来自环境的、自己难以发现的影响。

我们可以从北大 2023 年度最高荣誉奖学金(五四奖学金)获奖者的 profile 中窥见北大的育人风气 prime 的是什么样的「优秀」,孕育的是什么环境:是「担任课程助教」、「担任执委会主席」、「活跃在学工前线」、「挑战杯大赛获奖」、「发表9篇论文」、「研究马克思主义哲学」、「保研直博」。当一个高等教育学府所倡导的价值为成绩指标(如在校排名、GPA分数、论文发表数、所打学社工数、当干部的次数、竞赛获奖的数量),而不是对社会的实际贡献时,一切的一切都在让你想办法优化你的「成绩指标」:数不尽的规则雷同的画大饼学术/空谈创新创业竞赛、数不尽的学工、考不完的高难度考试、写不完的高难度论文,以及由于90%以上的北大学生都在走这条路所带来排山倒海般的同侪压力。从这个角度来讲,北大学生与非985/211大学学生的差别,只在于他们的能力能允许他们同时满足多少个成绩指标而已,但本质是一样的。我认为学生思维是这样的:

The mindset characterized by not knowing what one wants, and instead of discovering their true desires, copying what others do due to anxiety about being left out. An act of conformity or herd mentality.


我的大学给不了我需要的环境去思考与探索,我需要发现自我,我需要成长,我需要变强,我需要 离开它。
